I Know What You Meme

I have a nice long list of ideas for blog topics, so “Yay!” I also love to write and make long in–depth posts that are full of ideas and concepts that can take awhile to read, so “Yay?” My point is I wrote a super long post last week and have a super long post next week, but I don’t want to drown the scant number of people who visit this blog and feel like I’m just lecturing, so today is a little dose of fun and silliness. Plus I stole literally all of these memes.

That dafont one hits hard

TheDesignTip on Instagram has lots of relatable graphic design and artist/illustrator memes as well as some great inspiration and follow suggestions. I think the great part about career specific jokes and memes is that they make you feel like you’re part of a greater collective who’s in on the joke… or in on the pain and suffering. Pick your poison!

Behance also has a bunch of humorous observations, rather than memes, but strangely I couldn’t find any in my collection. They’re also a good place for inspiration.

As always, I would love it if you followed me on Instagram and Twitter! Do you have any favorite graphic design/creative memes? I’ll leave you with my absolute favorite one:

I really do love this so much!